Thu, Aug 09, 2007

: The Wyrven Mystery

This is an older Naomi Watts movie. It’s a period piece about an orphan girl who is raised by a man, who, when she comes of age, is interested in her romantically. She is horrified and runs off with a younger mate, and they are married and have a child. But then tragedy: her husband becomes ill and dies, and the baby, left with neighbors to protect him from the disease, also dies. But then some things don’t fit and the woman starts to suspect that her baby was murdered, though she doesn’t know why. The truth is a fascinating twist, but it takes way, way, way too long to get there, and the film is muddled by silly “scary” things like dark moody music, strange characters, cryptic words, and curtains blowing in the night. Stripped to its bones the story has some merit, but all the fluff weakens the story instead of making it more dramatic or interesting.

Topic: [/movie]
