Author: Edward Khmara (story) and David Stevens
Director: Steve Barron
I missed this mini-series on TV (I think I recorded it, but who knows), so I rented the DVD. Not bad. Impressive (but flashy) direction and special effects. (The director used lots of gimmicky transitions, both for exotic effect and to speed scenes. My favorite was a shot where a woman in white is lying on a bed and we see a tiny black dot moving on her chest. As the camera pans left, the dot grows, and suddenly we see it’s a tiny man on a miniature horse. Suddenly everything becomes clear, the woman fades away, and the horse is riding across the white sand of a desert. I replayed it several times. Amazing.) The film itself tries to pack a little too much into one story. It’s like a soap opera, or a Greek myth, with Gods and mortals screwing each other over right and left (literally and figuratively). It’s cool seeing all the big stars, and many, like Sam Neil (as Merlin) and Miranda Richardson (as evil Queen Mab) are excellent. Overall, it’s big, flashy, and there isn’t much depth. Fun, but nothing permanent. Odd religious conflict inserted. Historically accurate, but poorly done.