Marc's Oregon Trip
From July 17 to July 26, 1999, I traveled from Scotts Valley, California to Oceanside, Oregon, to Dayton, Washington, and back. At great personal risk ;-), I videotaped portions of my trip with one hand while driving with the other. So you'd better appreciate the picts! These pictures are mostly video stills (hence the sometimes mediocre quality). A few pictures of Grandpa's new beachhouse I took with my digital camera.
Click on any picture to view it larger. If you want to travel through all the pictures, click the first one and navigate through the rest by clicking the right arrow at the top right corner of each picture window.
routetocoast |
routetohouse |
beachdrive |
beachdrive2 |
beachdrive3a |
beachdrive3b |
beach1 |
beach2 |
beach2zoom |
beach3 |
beach3zoom |
beach4 |
beach5 |
tunnel |
beachsign |
ocean |
oceanside1 |
oceanside2 |
grandpaatbeach |
oceanside4 |
beachdriveaway1 |
beachdriveawaway2 |
front |
front_main |
front2 |
outsideside |
frontrightside |
houseback |
houseback2 |
houseside |
frontview |
frontviewzoom |
neighborsonleft |
garden |
deerstanding |
deerzoom |
foyer |
bench |
grandpaatbreakfast |
windowboxes |
keithkitchen |
keith |
kitchen1 |
kitchen2 |
decorations |
mainfloorback |
chinacabinet |
mainfloorfront |
rockingchair |
windowboxes3 |
downstairsbath |
stairstograndpa |
downstairsoffice |
downstairsbooks |
downstairsview2 |
downstairsview1 |
downstairstable |
grandpa |
grandpabath |
grandpabedroom |
grandpabed3 |
grandpacloset |
grandpaliving |
grandpapotentialkitchen |
fireplace |
laundry |
roadleftofhouse |
roadrightofhouse |
stairs |
sofaupstairs |
topfloor |
topfloorbath |
topfloorbath2 |
topfloormainbed |
upstairsview2 |
upstairsview |
upstairsview3 |
upstairsview1 |
topsmallbedfront |
upstairscubbyhole |
topsmallbedside |
upstairsfrontwindow |
mthood |
mtshasta |
mtshastazoom |
shastalake |